Google Deep Mind & AIs

This is a brief discussion about Google Deep Mind AI. Please follow the attached links for more details.

Deep Mind is British artificial intelligence company that was founded in September of 2010 as Deep Mind Technologies. It was renamed when it was acquired by the Google in 2014 for $4500M. Interestingly enough this was just after Facebook had just finished negotiations with them in 2013. And another fun fact is Elon Musk is actually an investor in the company just to keep an eye on the term of course. Deep Mind received the company of the year award by the Cambridge Computer Laboratory in 2014. 

Origin of Deep Mind

So where the deep mind come from.? Deep Mind was first to start up co-founded by Demis Hassabisin  in 2010. Denis was a child genius of sorts and went from being a chess prodigy and reaching master level at age 13. On to becoming the lead programmer of Lionhead Studio for ground Breaking games such as Black and White. After this he went on to start his own gaming studio before leaving to complete some extra studies at the University College of London. This is where he would meet the future co-founders of Deep Mind in 2010.

Goal of the Deep Mind Technologies

According to the website that goal is to solve intelligence. They are trying to achieve this by combining the best techniques from machine learning and systems neuroscience to build powerful general-purpose learning algorithms. Or in other words they want to formalise intelligence, find out what it is, and how it works. The endgame is not just to implement this into machines but also understand the human brain. Demis explains further:

Attempting to distil intelligence into an algorithmic construct may prove to be the best path to understanding some of the enduring mysteries of our minds
The key here is that, this machine is general purpose. This is very important but more on this later. 

How does AI works?

AI from Deep Mind uses a technique called “deep reinforcement learning” which makes it very different from other AIs such as IBM’s Watson or the primitive Siri or Google Now. The AIs just mentioned were only developed for predefined purpose and only function within their scope. Deep Mind claims their system is not pre-programmed and it learns from it experience using only raw pixels as data input.

Technically the reinforcement that deep mind uses is model free, meaning that is doesn’t need a structure or set of rules to learn. According MIT’s take on Google algorithm the neural network in theory should be able to access an external memory in a manner that mimics the short-time memory of the human brain. In a way it almost seems like our brain’s design might be the most efficient way for the creation of local intelligence. Who would have guessed.? 

I'll discuss further more details about how Deep Mind AI works, what it can do in another article. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned 


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